Resources on Ditidaht and Pacheedaht

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Type Title File 1 Update
sentences Ditidaht-Pachedaht Language Circle survival conversations (pdf) 11:54 AM 3/13/2017
curriculum Thomas and Hess 1981. An Introduction to Nitinaht Language and Culture. (pdf) 11:54 AM 3/13/2017
text Swadesh and Swadesh 1933. A Visit to the Other World. (pdf) 6:45 PM 2/22/2014
text Touchie 1976. The Whaler. (pdf) 6:45 PM 2/22/2014
text Touchie 1977. Stealing Daylight. (pdf) 6:45 PM 2/22/2014
text Jones and Thomas 1983. The Harvesting and Preparation of "Root" Foods. (pdf) 6:45 PM 2/22/2014